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Q: When is the length of an object measured to the nearest half inch whole number?
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When is the length of an object measured to the nearest half inch a whole number?

When you are rounding out to the nearest inch. * * * * * Very funny! If the length is between (x-0.25) inches and (x+0.25) inches it will be rounded to x inches.

Can an object that when measured to the nearest quarter inch have a different length then when measured to the nearest half inch?

Yes, of course, you lose more precision if you round to a half inch. Try rounding 0.76 to the nearest half unit, and to the nearest quarter unit, and see what happens.

Can an object be 3 inches in length when measured to both the nearest inch and nearest half inch?

Of course. That's true of any object that'sat least 2.5" and less than 3.5" long.

What is the length to the nearest 1 half in?

It is the length of an object, where the measurement is rounded to the nearest 0.5 inches.

Using a metric ruler student x measured the length of an object to the nearest tenth while student y measure the length to the nearest centimeter which measurement is more accurate?

There are 100 centimeters in a meter. The second student (y) would be more accurate.

What is the concept of length in physics?

Length is the distance between the positions of the ends of an object measured at the same time.

What are the qualities of an object that can be seen and measured without changing the object?

Length, Width, Height, Volume, Mass, Weight

What is a solid's shape and volume?

A solid is a 3 dimensional object having length, width and height. Its volume measured in cubic units is length*width*height

Why is a solid figure measured in cubic units?

The length, width, or height of a solid figure is measured in units of length. The area of the figure's outside surfaces is measured in squared units of length. The volume of space filled by the figure is measured in cubed units of length. The mass of the figure is measured in units of mass. The weight of the object is measured in units of force. The age of the figure is measured in units of time. etc.

How do you round 122.18 to the nearest whole number?


1694 the given number to the nearest 1000 round of?

[object Object]

How much time is 125 km?

kilometers (km) are a measurement of length. Length cannot be measured by time unless there is an object moving.