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In all cases except when they act in the same direction.

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Q: When is the vector sum of two vectors not equal in magnitude to their algebraic sum?
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When is the vector sum not equal in magnitude to the algebraic sum?

The magnitude of the vector sum will only equal the magnitude of algebraic sum, when the vectors are pointing in the same direction.

When is the vector sum equal in magnitude to the algebraic sum?

When the angle between any two component vectors is either zero or 180 degrees.

Can the magnitude of resultant of two vectors of the same magnitude be equal of magnitude of either vector?


Can the resultant of two vectors be equal to zero?

Yes. A vector has magnitude and direction. If the vectors have equal magnitude and directly opposite directions their sum will be zero.

How can the resultant of two vecters of the same magnitude be equal to the magnitude of either vector?

If the directions of two vectors with equal magnitudes differ by 120 degrees, then the magnitude of their sum is equal to the magnitude of either vector.

Is the sum of two vectors of equal magnitude equal to the magnitude of either vectors AND their difference root 3 times the magnitude of each vector?

iff the angle between them is 120 degrees

What is the angle between two vectors of equal magnitude whose resultant is equal to the magnitude of either vector?

69 degrees

What are unit vectors?

a unit vector is a vector which has exact same direction and has its length or magnitude equal to one

What are equal vector?

If both magnitude and direction are the same then the two vectors are said to be equal.

Can the resultant of two vectors of the same magnitude be equal to the magnitude of either of the vector proof mathematically?

Yes. If the two vectors are two sides of an equilateral triangle, then the resultant is the third side and therefore equal in magnitude.

Under what circumstances can a vector have components that are equal in magnitude?

(Magnitude of the vector)2 = sum of the squares of the component magnituides Let's say the components are 'A' and 'B', and the magnitude of the vector is 'C'. Then C2 = A2 + B2 You have said that C = A, so C2 = C2 + B2 B2 = 0 B = 0 The other component is zero.

If two vector have equal magnitudes can their sum be zero Explain?

Sum of two vectors can only be zero if they are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. So no two vector of unequal magnitude cannot be added to give null vector. Three vectors of equal magnitude and making an angle 120 degrees with each other gives a zero resultant.