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It is measured in grams.

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Q: When measuring the mass of a paper clip what unit would you use?
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Which mass would measure a paper clip?

A small metallic paper clip has a mass of a little over one gram.

How would you find the mass of a paper clip?

You would determine its mass using a mass balance.

Does a paper clip have a mass of about a gram?

Yes, I think a paper clip has mass of about a gram.

What unit of measurements would you measure the mass of one paper clip?


Mass of a paper clip?

a paper clip wheighs about 3 kilograms

What SI unit of mass would be used to measure the mass of a paperclip?

The easiest way would be to have a measuring cup or graduated cylinder and pour enough water into it so that you could immerse a paper clip in the water without it sticking out. Then you drop the paper clip into the water, and measure the difference in how much is in the container. The difference between the two amounts is the volume of the paper clip.

How do you find the volume of an aluminum paper clip?

This would be the same as finding the volume of a paper clip, See the related question below.

Does a pencil or a paper clip have more mass?

A pencil has more mass than a paper clip no matter how big the pencil is.

Would you use grams or milligrams to find the mass of a pencil?

grams definitely...a pencil weighs more than a paper clip and a paper clip weighs about a gram.

Which object has a mass of about a kilagram a car or a book or a paper clip?

A book would be closest to a kilogram.

What are three objects with a mass of less than one kilogram?

A pencil, a sheet of paper, and a paper clip.

What units of mass would you use to measure the mass of a paper clip?

You can use grams. To find out use a triple beam balance.