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A pencil has more mass than a paper clip no matter how big the pencil is.

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Related questions

Would you use grams or milligrams to find the mass of a pencil?

grams definitely...a pencil weighs more than a paper clip and a paper clip weighs about a gram.

Why did the paper clip fall to the bottom of a bowl of water?

The paper clip is more dense than the water, and it will sink. Water does not have sufficient buoyancy to support it. As regards density, the metal in the paperclip has more mass per unit of volume than the water does.

What has more mass-a pencil or a book?

A book typically has more mass than a pencil due to the larger amount of material used to make the book compared to the pencil.

Which object has a mass of 1 kilogram a truck or a table paper clip or a dictionary?

Depending upon the size of the truck, it will be about 2 tonnes or more, ie about 2000 kg or more. A paper clip is small and a few grams in weight, ie about 0.01 kg. Leaving a dictionary, which depending upon its size could have a mass of about 1 kg.

What has more mass than a pencil?

proxima centary A and B

Why did the paper clip not float on the ethanol?

The paper clip did not float on ethanol because ethanol is more dense than the paper clip. The paper clip is denser than ethanol, so it sank to the bottom when placed in the liquid.

Does a paper clip weigh more than a kilogram?


How many grams does a paper clip weigh?

The weight of a paper clip can vary depending on its size and material. On average, a standard metal paper clip weighs about 1 gram. However, larger or specialty paper clips may weigh slightly more. To determine the exact weight of a specific paper clip, you can use a precision scale to measure it accurately.

What can you say about the density of a paper clip versus the density water?

The density of a paper clip is greater than the density of water. This means that a paper clip will sink in water as it is more dense than water.

Is a paper clip less dense than water?

Yes, a paper clip is more dense than water. The density of water is 1 g/cmΒ³, while the density of a paper clip is higher than 1 g/cmΒ³. This means that a paper clip would sink in water due to its higher density.

Why does s pencil have more mass than a paperclip?

A pencil has more mass than a paperclip because it contains more material, such as the wood casing and graphite core, compared to the thin wire of a paperclip. The density of the materials used in a pencil is also higher than that of a paperclip, contributing to the difference in mass between the two objects.

Does a paper clip weigh 1MG?

No, a typical paper clip weighs around 1 gram, which is equivalent to 1000 milligrams (mg). So, a paper clip weighs more than 1 mg.