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Q: When members of 2 separated groups of a population can no longer interbreed the 2 groups are members of different?
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When members of two separated groups of a population can no longer interbreed the two groups are members of different?

when members of two separated groups of a population can no longer interbreed, the two groups are members of different what

What are the members of a single species that occupy a particular area and are able to interbreed?

Members of a single species that occupy a particular area and are able to interbreed are a population. Today, there are 16,938 threatened species on the planet.

When members of a species become separated by geography and lose ability to interbreed how would scientists classify them?

They would become 2 separate species.

When members of a Species become separated by geography and lose the ability to interbreed how would scientist classify them?

They would become 2 separate species.

How can organisms be members of the same species but not members of the same population?

Organisms can be members of the same species but not the same population if they are separated by geographical barriers, such as mountains or bodies of water, preventing them from interbreeding. Populations are groups of individuals of the same species that can interbreed, whereas species boundaries can be defined by reproductive isolation or genetic differences. Thus, members of the same species can be considered part of different populations if they do not have opportunities to mate and exchange genes.

When members of a species become separated by geography and loose the ability to interbreed how would scientists classify them?

Scientists would classify these separated members as different species, based on the biological species concept which defines a species as a group of organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. When geographic isolation prevents interbreeding, the populations may evolve independently and accumulate enough genetic differences to be classified as separate species.

What are all members of one species in a particular area called?

All members of one species in a particular area are called a population.

What situation occurs when members of two different species cannot interbreed and produce fertile of spring?

reproductive isolation

All members of one species in a particular area?

A population consists of all members of one species that live in a particular geographic area and interact with one another. It represents a group of individuals that can interbreed and potentially exchange genes.

What includes all the members of a particular species in one area?

A population is the term used to describe all the members of a particular species in one area. This group of individuals of the same species has the potential to interbreed and produce offspring.

List and describe the different types of genetic isolation?

Geographic isolation: When populations are physically separated by a barrier, such as a mountain or river. Reproductive isolation: When individuals from different populations are unable to successfully mate and produce viable offspring due to differences in behavior, physiology, or genetics. Temporal isolation: When populations breed at different times, preventing gene flow between them. Behavioral isolation: When differences in behavior, such as mating rituals or communication signals, prevent mating between populations.

Members of a group that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring are in the same?

Members of a group that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring are in the same? it is known as a species