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Recombinant chromosomes.

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Q: When one chromatid segment has formed a chiasma with a homologous chromatid segment what is the result?
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What is mitotic chiasma?

chiasma occurs in meiosis. Fascinating that I didn't answer this question but it's attributed to me so I guess I'll add some detail. Chiasma means crossing/intersecting and are the points where recombination occurs duting meoisis. (Crossing over does not occur in mitosis). Chiasma(singular) or chiasmata (plural) are formed during prophaseof meiosis I duing recombination and hold homologous chromosomes together at the sites where the exchanges of genetic material occur. These "connections: remain in place until until the chromosomes seperate during anaphase.

What is the structure formed by the crossing over of the optic nerves?

Optic Chiasma

Each strand of a double stranded chromosome--9 letter word?

Chromatid-- I think TETRADS-The four chromatids in each cluster during synapsis; formed by the two sister chromatids in each of the two homologous chromosomes.

What is A strand of replicated DNA formed during prophase called?


A strand of replicated DNA formed during prophase is a?

This is known as the set of biochemical processes [performed by Dna polymerases] that perform Dna Replication.

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Are tetrad and homologous chromosomes the same?

Homologous chromosome is when a pair of chromosomes containing the same linear gene sequences, each derived from one parent, and a tetrad is formed when 2 homologous chromosomes join together

What is formed by two endpoints?

A line segment.A line segment.A line segment.A line segment.

When two line segment meet at a point an is formed and the point where is called the?

An angle is formed at the vertex

When chromosome pairs separate into different sex cells does the alleles genes stay together?

During meiosis exchange of chromatid takes place by crossing over among the homologous chromosomes and chromatids of two chromosomes facing each other are involved in crossing over. Thus 50% of the gametes formed have new arrangement of alleles and rest 50% remain like those of parent cells.

What phase are sex cells produced?

It is formed during anaphase. Anaphase is the third stage. You can remember PMAT.P- ProphaseM- MetaphaseA- AnaphaseT- Telephase

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