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Q: When the above is folded to form a cube which is the only one what that can be produced?
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How can a nets can be folded to form a cube?

The net would look like the letter T consisting of 6 equal size squares and when folded together they will form a cube

What is a two-dimensional figure that can be folded to form a solid?

The net of a cube

How are folded mountains produced?

Folded mountains form when two plates move towards each other by compressional forces. The movement results in sedimentary rocks moving upwards to form a series of folds.

Why do chloroplasts have folded membranes?

They don't, they have sacs called thylakoids that are layered to form a granum. You're probably talking about mitochondria, which has a folded inner membrane. The membranes are folded here for increased surface area. This then allows for more ATP to be produced.

How long does it take for a folded mountain to form?

It takes 20 years for a folded mountain to form

What does folded mountains form?

In some cases, the folded crust can be pushed up high enough to form mountains.

How folded mountain ranges form?

lithosphere plates collide forming the folded mountains!

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These mountains form from compression.?


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How many circles would you find in a net that can be folded to form a cylinder? *

What land form do folded rock layers create?

Folded rock layers create monoclines, synclines and anticlines.

What is the primary way that folded mountains form?

Folded mountains are formed when rock layers are bend under stress.