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It will have two equal roots.

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Q: When the graph of a quadratic equation has its turning point on the x-axis how many roots does it have?
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What is the turning point in the graph of a quadratic function?

The answer depends on the form in which the quadratic function is given. If it is y = ax2 + bx + c then the x-coordinate of the turning point is -b/(2a)

What name is given to the turning point also known as the maximum or minimum of the graph of a quadratic function?


How do you find the salient feature in a graph?

Depending on the graph, for a quadratic function the salient features are: X- intercept, Y-intercept and the turning point.

How do you get the points to graph a quadratic function?

The quadratic equation is y=ax^2 +bx +c. So, you substitute in the values of a, b, and c to the quadratic formula (x= -b +/- \|b^2-4ac all over 2a) in order to find the x value then, substitute in x to the quadratic equation and solve. You will have point (x,y) to graph

Is the graph of a quadratic function contains the point 0 0?

Some do and some don't. It's possible but not necessary.

How are the discriminant and the graph of a quadratic equation related?

If the discriminant = 0 then the graph touches the x axis at one point If the discriminant > 0 then the graph touches the x axis at two ponits If the discriminant < 0 then the graph does not meet the x axis

What is each individual point on a graph called?

It is simply called a point on the graph, or a solution to the equation represented by the graph.

What does it mean when the graph of a quadratic function crosses the x axis twice?

When the graph of a quadratic crosses the x-axis twice it means that the quadratic has two real roots. If the graph touches the x-axis at one point the quadratic has 1 repeated root. If the graph does not touch nor cross the x-axis, then the quadratic has no real roots, but it does have 2 complex roots.

What is another name for the maximum or minimum point of a quadratic graph?


What is the value of y at a point on a quadratic graph when it crosses the x axis?


How are the graph of an equation and the set of all solutions of an equation related?

The coordinates of every point on the graph, and no other points, are solutions of the equation.

How does the graph show that the quadratic is a function?

No vertical line will intersect the graph in more than one point. The fundamental flaw is that no graph can show that it does not happen beyond the domain of the graph.