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It has to do with temperature but K does not represent Kelvin. Here is a site that might help you:

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Q: When they classify stars with O B K etc what does each letter represent for example does K represent Kelvin does B represent Balmer?
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What does k represent in temperature?


What is k in degrees?

"k" is Kelvin. For example, 50 degrees Kelvin.

Do you represent the temperature on kelvin scale by the letter 'k' or 'K'?


Is kelvin an example of fundamental unit?

Yes Kelvin is a fundamental unit of temperature.

Which is the correct formula to convert from Celsius to Kelvin?

take the Celsius temperature and add 273.15. For example 30 Celsius to Kelvin - Kelvin = 30 + 273.15 = 303.15

Convert celsiuses temperature to kelvin temperature?

For example, 0 Kelvin (or absolute zero) is -273 degrees Celsius, so 50 kelvin would be -223 degrees Celsius! just subtract 273 from the Kelvin temperature.

What is the format for kelvins?

Kelvin is written with a non-negative number, then K. For example, 273 Kelvin is simply written 273 K.

What is the SI unit of temperature?

The unit is the Kelvin. Zero on the Kelvin scale is the coldest possible temperature, absolute zero. The scale increases by the same degree intervals as the Celsius scale but since Kelvin starts at absolute zero, the values are all higher. For example, it is 273.15 K when it is 0°C (Celsius). Kelvin "K" It is KELVIN!!!!! Either Kelvin, or Celsius. Both are used with the SI K degreeskelvin

What is kelvin's exact value?

The Kelvin is the international unit of temperature. Zero kelvin is the lowest possible temperature (approximately minus 273 degrees Celsius), and a difference of 1 Kelvin is the same as a difference of 1 degree Celsius. Thus, for example, 273 Kelvin = 0 degrees Celsius, while 373 Kelvin = 100 degrees Celsius.

What happens at 100 million degrees kelvin?

You get Nuclear Fusion, which produces an enormous amount of energy. The center of the sun, for example, is near 20 million degrees Kelvin

Why scientist use kelvin scale in their scientific experiment?

Because it is an absolute scale. There are no negative temperatures. With Kelvin, it makes sense to say that one temperature is twice another temperature, for example.

Which is larger a Celsius degree or a Kelvin?

Hi when dealing with the kelvin scale the numbers will be larger than in celsius because when you are converting from celsius to kelvin you need to add 273.15 on to the temperature in celsius. This is because zero celsius is 273.15 kelvin.