

When was the number of pi invented?

Updated: 10/17/2024
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14y ago

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The word and symbol for pi comes from the Greek alphabet and it was discovered, not invented, by ancient mathematicians who discovered that there was a ratio relationship for any circle that its circumference divided by its diameter is nearly about 22/7.

But the true value of pi still remains undiscovered because its decimal place value runs into infinity with no ending in sight.

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Why was the number pi invented?

It was not invented it was discovered.

Who invented the number pi?

a person

What is the heck is pi and who invented it?

pi is a transcendental number which represents the constant ratio between the circumference of a circle and its diameter. It is a universal constant and nobody invented it.

When was pi invented or discovered?

Pi is the value of a circle's circumference divided by its diameter and its true value has never been discovered because it is an irrational number

Who discovered pi and when?

Pi wasn't invented so much as discovered. Pi is the ratio of a circle's circumference divided by the diameter. One could say that no one invented it, but that it was discovered. The Egyptians and the Greeks had an a approximation that we are still refining to this day. It is a transcendental (non-rational) number.

Who invented the word pi?

George VI created pi.

What year was the algebraic symbol for pi invented?

pi is greek for the number 3.14292 ect. It came from greek mathematicians thousands of years ago and is still used today

What is Pi and who invented or discovered Pi?

Pi is the relationship between the diameter and the circumference of a circle.

Who invented PI in math?


Which person invented pi?

It is unknown which specific person invented pi, but ancient Egyptians are the first group to have used it.

What is pi how is invented?

Pi is a constant, a number that for some reason is always created when you do similar problems. For example, If you divide the circumference(length around the circle) of a circle by its diameter(line that divides it in half) you will always get 3.14195926535..., or Pi.

What is the largest amount of pi that you can think of?

If you mean the number pi, you can't have a "large amount of pi" or a "small amount of pi" - the number pi will always be the number pi (approximately 3.1416).