

When would you use a box and whiskers plot?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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To give a simple summary of quantitative data with 5 or more observations.

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Q: When would you use a box and whiskers plot?
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When do you use a box-plot?

A box plot may be used at a preliminary stage to determine the centre and spread of a set of data. The box [and whiskers] plot measures the central point by the median and the range from the maximum and minimum or the quartile points.

When would you use a box plot?

you would use a box plot when you say "I got the moves like jaggar" i got the moves like jaggar

Why should you have a box and whiskers plot on the same number line as another if you're going to compare the graphs?

I would never do that! I would use two number lines with the same scale: but with one line below the other.

What is a Box and Whisker Plot?

The box and whiskers plot is a means to illustrate data. This is a chart where the horizontal axis represents the possible values that a variable can take. The vertical axis is irrelevant. 5 key statistics are extracted from the data set: the minimum value, the lower quartile, the median, the upper quartile and the maximum value. The plot consists of a box or rectangle whose left side is the lower quartile and whose right is the upper quartile. The height of the rectangle is an arbitrary value. The median appears as a vertical line in this rectangle. From the middle of the left side, a horizontal line stretches out to the minimum value. Similarly, a line to the maximum value goes from the right end of the rectangle. These are the whiskers. That is the basic box and whiskers plot. One refinement is to exclude outliers, determine the whisker-ends without them and then mark them separately as "X" along where the whiskers would have extended to.

How do you do a box and whisker plot?

A box and whisker plot is used to show range, you must first find out the quartiles. The first quartile is the left edge of the box, the third quartile is the right edge of the box and the median is the line in the middle. The whiskers are the highest and lowest values in your data set. Sometimes if you have a value in your data that is a long way out then you may not use it as a whisker, this is an outlier.A boxplot is a way of depicting groups of numerical data. They have many lines extending vertically from the whiskers (boxes).

What kind of graph or plot would you use to find the median age of the teachers at a school?

A Box and Whisker Plot.

What kind of graph would you use for numerical data?

you could use almost any kind of graph if you label it. But i would stay away from pie graphs. I would use a box and whisker plot.

What measurement would you have to use to measure a kittens whiskers?

Probably Centimeters.

What is the type of average on a box and whisker plot?

On a standard box-and-whisker plot, the averages used are medians. Arithmetic means are used in some box-and-whisker plots, but most use medians.

Which graphs is most useful for identifying outliers?

I would be tempted to use a box-plot or a scatter graph. Those are the first two that come to mind.

What does a Catfish do with its whiskers?

catfish use their whiskers to feel and taste in the mud and the water.

How do you use the box-and-whisker plot to describe the information of height and weight?

The box-and-whisker plot is simply a visual representation. It doesn't describe anything specific like height and weight. If you don't understand what a box-and-whisker plot is, you should be asking about what a box-and-whisker plot is. This is much like asking about what a pie chart is or a bar graph is... it's meaningless without context.