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It does not matter because they are equivalent. You can always convert from a slope-intercept form to a standard linear form (and vice versa).

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Q: When writing linear equations how do you determine which form of a line to use?
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Where the given equations are not linear?

Equations are not linear when they are quadratic equations which are graphed in the form of a parabola

What are the importance of linear equation?

They are the simplest form of relationship between two variables. Non-linear equations are often converted - by transforming variables - to linear equations.

What are inifintly equations?

Linear equations with one, zero, or infinite solutions. Fill in the blanks to form a linear equation with infinitely many solutions.

What is the formula for standard form in linear equations?


Two or more linear equations together form a?

Simultaneous equation

Do linear equations form a line?

Yes, the graph of a linear equation can be a line. There are special cases, sometimes trivial ones like y=y or x=x which are linear equations, but the graph is the entire xy plane. The point being, linear equations most often from a line, but there are cases where they do not.

How do you know if an equation is not linear?

Linear equations come in the form y=mx+b or y=mx-b, where x and y are the variables x and y and b is a constant (like 3). All other equations are non-linear. Linear equations has a power of 1! as long as the X has a power of 1, it is a linear equation.

Is the two points form equation the same as linear equation?

The equations are equivalent.

What is the importance of slope intercept form?

makes it very easy to graph linear equations

How can you determine if a linear equation is a function?

If we are talking about a linear equation in the form y = mx + b, then all linear equations are functions. Functions have at most one y value to every x value (there may be more than one x value to every y value, and some x- and y-values may not be assigned at all); all linear equations satisfy this condition.Moreover, linear equations with m ≠ 0 are invertible functions as well, which means that there is at most one x-value to every y-value (as well as vice versa).

How many types of solutions of a system of two linear equations in two unknowns can exist?

There is only one type of solution if there are two linear equations. and that is the point of intersection listed in (x,y) form.

How are linear equations similar or different from functions?

A linear equation is a specific type of function that represents a straight line on a graph. While all linear equations are functions, not all functions are linear equations. Functions can take many forms, including non-linear ones that do not result in a straight line on a graph. Linear equations, on the other hand, follow a specific form (y = mx + b) where the x variable has a coefficient and the equation represents a straight line.