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Q: When y equals 25 x equals 3 and n equals 4 Find the value of y when x equals 5 and n equals 10 Rounded to the nearest whole number?
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To the nearest whole number... the value is... 1 !

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1.91 rounded to the nearest whole number is: 2. This is because the tenths value of "9" is equal to or greater than 5. Anything that equals 5 or is greater gets rounded up. Anything below 5 gets rounded down.

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How do you round up to the nearest value?

You cannot. The nearest value for any number is the value represented by the number as it is: no other number can be nearer. So the answer cannot be any rounded number unless that happens t o be the given number.

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Rounded to the nearest 184, it is 184! That is probably a unlikely number to round to, but there may be times when you wish to round to the nearest gross (144), and 93 rounded would then be 144.

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1.1 The nearest tenth is the rounded-up value 1.10 = 1.1

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0.506 to the nearest whole number is 1. This is because the hundredths value in this situation is 5 or higher. Anything below 5 would be rounded down.

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