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you add and keep the same sign its simple ex. -4+-85=-89

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Q: When you add a negative and negative number do you add or subtract?
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Do you add or subtract when you have a negative number and a positive?

Subtract and add the sign of the greater number.

How do you subtract a positive and negative number?

You have to take the negative sign away from the negative number and add them.

When adding a positive number to a negative number why do you always get a positive number?

-5+-3 = -8 ++ Add -- Add +- Subtract -+ Subtract

Would you add or subtract to negative numbers?

Whatever is required by the context of the question. Whether or not the number is negative gives no indication as to whether to add or subtract.

How do you subtract a positive number by a negative number?

A little awkwardly phrased, so I'll answer both ways. To subtract a negative from anything, add its positive. To subtract a positive from a negative, the equation is treated as though you are adding two postives, the result is negative.

Can a negative number be simplified?

No, a negative number cannot be simplified because it is a whole number. Therefore, you can only multiply, divide, subtract, and add it.

How do you subtract a bigger number from a smaller one?

if you want to subtract a bigger number from a smaller one, first subtract smaller number from bigger one add negative sign in front of answer you got

How do you add or subtract integer?

you take the first number, then add it to the other number: 2+1=3 negative integers are different: -2+1= -1 Negative and negative: -2-1= -3

Adding and subtracting negative and positive numbers?

when youre adding negative numbers, you add them and put a negative sign (ex: -6 + -5=-11) when you add negative and positive numbers(ex: -9 + 7) you subtract the numbers and take the sign of the bigger number (9-7=2, so the answer is -2 because the bigger number, 9, is negative when you subtract 2 negative numbers you add them together and put a negative sign when you subtract a neg. number and a pos. number (ex: -8 - 3) you add the numbers but the 3 becomes negative so the problem becomes -8 + -3. the answer is -11

What do you do when subtracting a positive and a negative?

If you subtract a negative from a positive, add both of their absolute values. If you subtract a positive from a negative, add both of their absolute values and multiply by negative one.

What is your positive and negative?

positive is to add and negative is to subtract in math

Do you subtract when its a negative plus a positive?

No, you add the positive to the negative.