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At least 2 ways in each lane

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Q: When you cross an intersection you should look how many times?
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When crossing a street pedestrians?

When a pedestrians crossing the street they should look both ways to make sure there is oncoming traffic. Pedestrians should also use sidewalks and only cross the street at an intersection.

What should you predict when approaching an uncontrolled intersection?

It depends on where the intersection is. For an intersection in the middle of the countryside, you should probably look both ways so that you won't get hit by a car.

What percautions should driver take at uncontrolled intersections?

It depends on where the intersection is. For an intersection in the middle of the countryside, you should probably look both ways so that you won't get hit by a car.

What should you do when you arrive at an intersection with a stop sign"?

When you arrive at an intersection with a stop sign, you should come to a complete stop, look both ways for oncoming traffic, and proceed when it is safe to do so.

What should you do when you reach an intersection with a stop sign?

When you reach an intersection with a stop sign, you should come to a complete stop, look both ways for oncoming traffic, and proceed only when it is safe to do so.

What should you do if you are at a controlled intersection where you face a stop sign?

If you are at a controlled intersection and facing a stop sign, you should come to a complete stop, look both ways for oncoming traffic, and proceed only when it is safe to do so.

When you see a flashing yellow light at an intersection you should?

When you see a flashing yellow light at an intersection you should proceed with caution.

When you can legally block an intersection?

Unless directed by police, no times are appropriate to block an intersection, which is very dangerous thing to do.

What precautions should a driver take at uncontrolled intersections?

When approaching an intersection of this type, you shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle which has entered the intersection on your right or is approaching the intersection from your right. If the road to your right is clear, or if approaching vehicles are far enough from the intersection to make your crossing safe, you may proceed. Since there are no traffic controls at this intersection, make sure that there are no approaching vehicles from the left. you may legally have the right-of-way, but you should be sur the other driver yield to you before you proceed. [4-2] Look this up!!! :)

Before entering an intersection the what is the safest searching process?

You should always look for a yield sign, or oncoming traffic.

To manage visibility at an intersection what do you scan and look for?

vehicles and pedestrians

When crossing a street pedestrians should?

Look left <- Look right -> Left again <- Right again -> Listen Now cross __________ __________> __________