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... less than the whole number.

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Q: When you multiply a whole number by a decimal less than one your answer will be?
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Is a whole number more than a decimal number?

Not necessarily.0.5 < 1 < 1.5 So, the whole number 1 is more than the decimal fraction 0.5 but less than the decimal fraction 1.5 but the decimal fraction 0.5 is less than the whole number 1 while the decimal fraction 1.5 is more than the whole number 1.

When a whole number is multiplied by a decimal smaller than one what can you conclude about the result?

The result is less than the whole number and greater than or equal to the decimal. Unless the whole number is negative in which case the result is greater than the whole number and less than or equal to the decimal.

When writing a decimal number less than 1 you must apply the?

decimal point to the left of the whole number. Example: 1= whole number. Less than 1 as a decimal is .00, .01, 02 etc.

What happens to the whole number when you multiply it by a fraction less than one?

Nothing happens to the whole number. But the product is less than the whole number. The product might be another whole number, and it might have a fractional part.

Is fractions bigger than numbers?

Uh . . . . . .no a fraction is less than a whole like a decimal. a number a whole. Therefore a fraction is less than a number.

What is 43.27 rounded to the nearest whole number?

since the first number after the decimal is less than 5, round to whole number is 43

What is 5.318 round to the nearest whole number?

5 The nearest whole number is 5. When rounding to the nearest whole number, if the number following the decimal point is less than 5, the whole number remains the same, If the number following the decimal point is greater than 5, the nearest whole number is the next whole number.

How do you round number 1.46 to the whole number?

The piece after the decimal point is less than 1/2, so the nearest whole number is 1.0 .

If you multiply a non zero whole number by a decimal less than one would the product be less than or greater than the whole number?

It depends on the signs of the two numbers.The answer is tricky when at least one number is negative because you have to remember that "less than" means "farther to the left on the number line" and NOT "greater in magnitude". E.g. -20 is less than -4 because -20 is farther to the left even though its magnitude (absolute value) is greater.There are four possible cases:Whole number and decimal are both positive: The product is less than the whole number. The decimal reduces the magnitude of the product, so the product is to the left of the whole number on the number line. E.g. 0.5 * 10 = 5, which is less than 10.Whole number positive, decimal negative. The product less than the whole number. A negative times a positive is ALWAYS negative, so regardless of its magnitude the product is to the left of the positive whole number on the number line. E.g. 15 * (-0.2) = -3 and -3 < 15Whole number negative, decimal negative. The product is greater than the whole number. The product is negative but like in Case 1, the magnitude of the product is smaller, so the product is to the right of the whole number on the number line. E.g. (-8) * 0.3 = -2.4 and -8 < -2.4Whole number negative, decimal negative. The product is greater than the whole number. A negative times a negative is positive, and ANY positive number is always greater than any negative number regardless of magnitude. E.g. (-0.25) * (-12) = +3 and -12 < +3

Is 26 greater than less than or equal to 0.3?

26 is greater. 26 is a whole number 0.3 is a decimal number, in decimal numbers the whole numbers go on the left side of the decimal point and the parts of a number (fractions) go on the right side of the decimal point. So . 3 is not even a whole number.

Is the product of a fraction that is less than one and any whole number less than or greater than the whole number?

the answer is smaller than the whole number because you're taking a fraction of the second number. it's like multiplying by a decimal.

What is 105.27 rounded off to the nearest whole number?

Short answer: 105 Explanation: A whole number is one without a decimal. When you're rounding, take a look at the decimal. if the decimal is less than .50, then you round down to the current whole number, in this case 105. If the decimal is .50 or above, you round up to the next number, in this case, 106. Since the decimal is .27 we round down to 105.