decimal point to the left of the whole number. Example: 1= whole number. Less than 1 as a decimal is .00, .01, 02 etc.
There are exactly 186 hours - not a fraction more nor less - in 186 hours. And since that is an integer, writing it as a mixed number or decimal is no different.
how do you create a decimal or a mixed number that is either greater or less than any number
Yes. a decimal is a positive number. you can have negative decimals too
Greater. The second number after decimal is greater so number is greater.
You may or you may not. If you divided by a decimal number that is greater than 1 then you will get a smaller number whereas if you divide by a number less than 1 then you will get a larger number.
You must apply a writing implement to a surface on which you are writing.
There are exactly 186 hours - not a fraction more nor less - in 186 hours. And since that is an integer, writing it as a mixed number or decimal is no different.
how do you create a decimal or a mixed number that is either greater or less than any number
Yes. a decimal is a positive number. you can have negative decimals too
You don't 'answer' a decimal in math. The decimal is the portion of a number which is less than one.
all of them
... less than the whole number.
If the decimal is positive, than a negative number is less than 0.
If the decimal is positive, than a negative number is less than 0.
Not necessarily.0.5 < 1 < 1.5 So, the whole number 1 is more than the decimal fraction 0.5 but less than the decimal fraction 1.5 but the decimal fraction 0.5 is less than the whole number 1 while the decimal fraction 1.5 is more than the whole number 1.