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Q: When you multiply an odd number with an even will the product be even?
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What happens if you multiply odd by even?

If you multiply an odd number by an even number, the product (answer) will be even. Example: 5 x 4 = 20

When you multiply any number of even numbers will the product always be odd?

No, the product will always be even.

What is the result of product of even numbers and odd numbers?

If you multiply one even number by one odd number, the result is always even. In general, if you multiply several numbers, and at least one of the numbers is even, the product is always even. This is because "even" means "multiple of 2", and if one of the factors contains a 2 as a factor, so will the product.

Is it true that if you multiply an even number by anything the product will be an even number?

Yes, an even number multiplied by an odd number or an even number will give you an even number.

Why is the product of an even number and an odd number even?

An even number is any number that has '2' as a factor.When you multiply two numbers, you multiply all the factors of both of them.If '2' was a factor of either number, then it's a factor of their product.

Why when you multiply an odd number by a even does it always equal a even?

When you multiply an odd number by an even number, you are essentially adding an even number of odd numbers together. Since adding an even number of odd numbers will always result in an even number, the product will be even.

Why do you get an odd number when you multiply an odd number by an odd number?

Let E1 and E2 be two even numbers. Then (E1+1)(E2+1) will be the product of two odd numbers. We have E1*E2 +E2+E1+1. Now when we add or multiply even numbers, we get even numbers and we add 1, it's odd.

Why when you multiply an odd number with another odd number the result is a odd number?

yes, the product of 2 odd numbers is always an odd number. Well, the question is why. The first number is "even" + 1. Multiply both of these by your odd number. Now the "even" times "odd" is even, because every "1" in the odd number becomes a "2". And then the remaining 1 times "odd" must be odd, which is an even +1. Add it all up and you get evens everywhere except that final "1". So the result is even + 1 which is odd. There is a quicker way if you know how to multiply bracketed terms: odd x odd = (even + 1)x(even +1)= even x even +even +even +1 = must be odd.

What number do you get when you multiply an odd number and an even number?

An even number.

Is the product of an odd and even number odd?

No, it is not.

When you multiply an even number by an odd number what would it be?

an even number.

What happens when you multiply an odd number with an even number?

You get an even number as your answer.