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Q: When you rub your feet across a carpet your feet gain a negative charge why?
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no but You build up a negative charge as you drag your feet across the carpet. To balance you back out, you donate the extra electrons to the protons on the doorknob, which gives you a shock

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How does shuffling your feet across a floor do with electricity?

When you shuffle your feet across a carpet your feet get electrons from the carpet which make static electricity

Why do you get an electic shock if you touch a doorknob after walking across a carpet?

You get an electric shock if you touch a doorknob after walking on carpet because of built up of extra electrons transferred from the carpet to your feet and then body. The electrons stay built up on you until you touch something that they can discharge on, in this case a doorknob.

Why do you get an electric shock after you touch a doorknob walking across a carpet?

The friction of your feet on a carpet generates static electricity. When you then touch the metal doorware its earths through you causing the charge to pass to the door.

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for example: when you rub your hand or slide your feet across carpet, your hair may stand on end. this is because electrons have been transfered from the carpet to you. you now have a negative charge because there is more electrons than protons in your body. when you touch someone you "shock" them but really you just transfered the electrons from you to them.

Why do you get an electric shock after rubbing your feet across a carpet?


How does shuffling feet across a carpet produce electricity?

Your feet get electrons from the substance of the carpet which produces electricity. Try touching someone afterwards.

What type of electricity is shuffling your feet across a carpet?

Static electricity.

Why do you get an electric shock if you touch a doorknob after walking across a carpet?

You build up static electricity by walking across the carpet. When you touch metal doorknob, it releases the stored energy.positive and negative charges. when you drag your feet against carpet you are negatively charged and so the door knob is positively charged so there fore causing an electric shock

If walking on a carpet with socks what will reduce the charge build up?

Don't drag your feet

How does walking across a carpet make static electricity?

The voltage can be 5000 volts or more, but there is no danger because the amount of electric charge is small. An average human body has a capacitance of about 100 picofarads so that with 5000 volts the charge is only 500000 picocoulombs or 0.5 microcoulombs, which represents a current of 1 milliamp flowing for only half a millisecond.