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yes it will be. yes... if (-3)-5 is a possible problem, then the answer will be -8... it is like removing the negative signs, adding, then placing back the negative sign

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Q: When you subtract a positive from a negative will it always be negative?
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When you subtract a positive integer from a negative integer the result is always positive?

Yes because you are always adding.

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When you subtract a negative integer from a positive integer the result is always positive?

Yes, because subtrating a negative number is the same thing as adding a positive number.

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In multiplication/division the answer will always be negative and in addition/subtract the answerwill have the sign of the larger number

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positive is to add and negative is to subtract in math

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No, you add the positive to the negative.

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If you subtract a negative from a positive, add both of their absolute values. If you subtract a positive from a negative, add both of their absolute values and multiply by negative one.

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No.If you subtract a positive number, you move to the left.If you subtract a negative number, you move to the right.

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actually, when adding a negative and positive it isn't always positive. for example: -19+8=-11. You should subtract the positive from negative like: 19-8=11.

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always a negative number. just think about going backwards on a number line.

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If you subtract positive twenty-seven from negative sixty-nine, you would get negative forty-two. You simply subtract the 27 from the 69 but leave the negative sign.