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  • If you subtract a positive number, you move to the left.
  • If you subtract a negative number, you move to the right.
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Q: When you subtract integers do you always move left on a number line?
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What do you call the number you have left after you subtract?

The "Difference"

Why do 2 negatives equal a positive?

On the number line if you subtract a positive you move left. If you add a positive you move right. If add a negative you move left. If you subtract a negative you move right. That is just how I learned it. I don't know a wordy explanation.

How can using a number line helm you list integers in order from least to greatest?

If you place the numbers on the number line, they go from the least to the greatest as you go from left to right.

How do you subtract integers?

There are a few key methods to add and subtract integers. The first is easy to use but takes more time and thought (less automatic with practice). It is the number line method. Imagine (or draw!) a number line with 0 at the middle and negative numbers extending to the left. Now when you add a number, go to the left if it is negative and the right if it is positive to arrive at the answer. When subtracting do the opposite (as the subtraction sign negates the value of the number). For example, 3 - (-4) can be thought of as follows. Begin at positive 3. Now move 4 to the right (minus a negative is to the right). We end up at positive 7, the answer.Another method is to change all subtraction problems to addition problems and learn to add any combination of integers (two positive, two negatives, one of each, and with 0). Generally:a - b = a + (-b).For examples:3 - (-4) = 3 + -(-4) = 3 + 4 = 7.-2 - 3 = -2 + (-3) = -5.2 - 1 = 2 + (-1) = 1.Note that the sum of two positive numbers is the sum of their absolute values. The sum of two negative numbers is the inverse of the sum of their absolute values. In other words, two positives become more positive and two negatives become more negative. Further, adding 0 does nothing to the number (additive identity).Finally, when confronted with both a positive and negative number, whichever has the larger absolute value will be the sign of the result. Then take the difference in absolute values and apply that sign to the result.---------------------My improvement is here:The above is right, and it's for subracting signed (positive +, and negative - )integers. Some people might not know much about signed integers, so I try to give some improvement on just basic/plain integers.Basically in order to subtract, you need to know how to add to see if you have done it right.Now consider I have a basket of many apples. I could take some, say 5 out of the basket, hence I have subtracted 5 apples from the basket. I may or may not even know how many apples are left. In order to know how many are left I would need to initially know how many were in the basket to start with. If there were 8 apples in the basket to start with and I took a group of 5 out, then I have a group of 3 apples left in the basket because 8 - 5 = 3 since the basket originally contained the two groups of: 5 apples and 3 apples combined together, mathematically this is noted with addition: 5 + 3 = 8. We see that if you subtract one group (either the group of 5 or the group of 3) from 8, you will have the other group left.How do you subtract intergers?subtracting integers with tilesto add integers, we combine group of tilesto subtract integers, we do the reverse:we TAKE AWAY TILES FROM A GROUPrecall the equal numbers of red and yellow tiles model 0for example:,(-5)+(+5)=0adding 0 to the pair doesnt change its value.for example:,(-3)+0=-3to use tiles to subtract integers, we model the first integer, then take away thenumber of tiles indicated by the second integer.we can use tiles to subtract (+5)-(+9)=answer: -4by:Izabela torbinski

What does how many left mean in math words?

The phrase "how many left" would arise in a subtraction problem. You start with a certain number, then you subtract something from that number, and you want to know how many are left. It might be a real world type problem. I have $10. I spend $4 on a hamburger. I then have $6 left.

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How would you use a number line to put integers in order from greatest to least?

Smaller numbers always go to the left of larger number on the number line.

How do you subtract a positive number from a positive number?

to subtract a positive integer :move LEFT. The answer will get smaller

What do you call the number you have left after you subtract?

The "Difference"

What to subtract to get a number divisible by 9?

Subtract the remainder which is left when the digital root is divided by 9.

As the number line is read from right to left the integers are in?

Descending order.

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How do you use subtraction on coordinate line?

To subtract a positive number, you go the specified number of units to the left. To subtract a negative number (which is the same as adding the corresponding positive number), you go to the right.

Can you subtract integers without the use of a number line?

Quite easily. Think about what the difference is between the number that you want to subtract and the number that you have. E.g I have the number 10, and I wish to subtract 6 from it: 10-6. To get from 6 to 10, I need to add 4. So in this case, when I minus 6 from 10, I'm left with 4 remaining. So, 10-6=4 Or, let's say I have 16, and I wish to take away 10. To get from 10 to 16, I need to add 6. So whan I minus 10 from 16, I am left with 6 remaining. This means that: 16-10=6 This technique works for subtracting any integer (or any decimal).

What is the sum of two consecutive integers is 237?

Algebraically, X = integers. X + (X + 1) = 237 gather all terms on the left 2X + 1 = 237 subtract 1 from each side 2X = 236 divide both sides integers by 2 X = 118 --------------so, X + 1 = 119 ----------------so, The two consecutive integers that = 237 are 118 and 119 -------------------

Do you subtract or add when a word problem says has left?


How do you use a numberline to tell which of two integers are smaller?

With the number line in its normal orientations, the integer on the left is smaller.

What does dmsb stand for in division?

It stands for Divide, Multiply, Subtract, and bring Down. This is used in long division. You divide the number on the left into the one on the right, placing your answer on top of the bracket. Then, you multiply the number on top of the bracket with the number on the left, placing this answer below the right-hand number. You subtract the number on the very bottom from the right-hand number. Then, you bring down the next numeral available underneath the bracket.