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Q: When your 6 years old and born in 1756 what year would it be when ur 6 years old?
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Mozart was born 27 January 1756 and died 5 December 1791.

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January 27, 1756

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Are you serious? Subtract. 1774 - 18 = 1756

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The Seven Year's War (The French and Indian War) lasted 9 years. (1756-1763).

Where was Mozart born and what year?

Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria in the year 1756. The adress of his birthhouse is Geissenstraße 9 , Salzburg Österreich

When did the Seven Years war begin and end?

The seven years war began in 1756 and ended in 1763.

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If you were 44 years old at this year:2014, then you would have been born in 1970

The war began in the year and nded in the year?

It began in North America on 1754-1756 but it officially began on 1756-1763 in Europe and India

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You would be 15 years old.

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You would have been born in 1990 !

What year would you be born if you were 53 years old?

53 years ago

If you were 47 years old what year was you born in?

If in 2010 i was 47 years old then that would mean that i would have been born in 1963.