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Some one probably has a pet fox named Tails but if you are talking about the video game Tails then I do not think he exists.

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Reagan Zamudio

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I don't think he is real?

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Q: Where is tails the fox in real life?
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Is Tails the Fox real?


What is Tails' full name?

Tails the Fox's real name is Miles Prower.

What is the character Fox's real name?

If you are referring to the character Fox from the Sonic the Hedgehog Series then his real name is Miles "Tails" Prower.

Is Tails' real name is Tails the Fox?

No. His real name is Miles Prower, a play on the phrase "Miles per hour". Sonic and his friends nicknamed him "Tails".

How old is tails the fox in real life?

He was 12 in sonic x and now it is 2012 so he would be 19 years old right now

What animal is 'Tails' in Sonic the Hedgehog?

Tails is a fox. A two-tailed fox. Tails is actually a Kistsune fox.

Does Tails the fox have two tails?

Yeah he does have 2 tails that's where he got his name "Tails the Fox".

Are tailed beasts real in real life?

Many animals have tails, yes. They are real. Even dogs and cats have tails!

How do you get ninetails?

You must evolve Vulpix by Fire Stone in the Pokemon world. --------------------- (if you mean in naruto you have to join the akasuki).if you mean in real life you have to get surgery and ask for nine fox tails.

How can tails the fox fly?

he uses his tails

Is tails a fox or did they make a typo in prowler?

Yes, Tails is a 2 tailed fox.

What is the duration of The Fox with Nine Tails?

The duration of The Fox with Nine Tails is 1.78 hours.