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Q: Where are days and nights 12 hours long?
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Are the nights long in a desert?

The lengths of days and nights in the desert are the same as with any area of the world at the same latitude. In the summer the nights are short while in the winter the nights are long. Over a year's period they average 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness per day.

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What is an exuinox?

The equinoxes are the days when the days and nights are equal. I.e. day=12 hours long, night=12 hours long. The vernal equinox is in spring and the autumnal equinox is obviously in autumn. They are sometimes said to be the start of summer and winter respectively.

Nights are 12 hours long at the?

North Pole Dumitru

What is the result of the sun being directly over the Equator on March 21?

days are almost exactly as long as nights

How long is the arctic winter?

12 days 12 days 12 days 12 days 12 days

In what months of the year is the sun vertically overhead at the equator?

The sun is vertically overhead at the equator in the months March 21st to September 23rd.All places on Earth, (except at the poles) receive 12 hours of daylight (day) and 12 hours of darkness (night). Days and nights which are 12 hours long are called equinoxes.Note: Day and Night are always 12 hours long at the Equator.

How many hour are in a day how many hour are in a night?

Depends on the time of year and place. When you are at the equator, the days are exactly 12 hours and the nights are exactly 12 hours.

How long does it take to start at sea of galilee and ride a horse to Jerusalem?

13 days and nights unless the tides in from the sea then it's 13 days and 12 nights

How do the days and nights occur?

Days and nights occur because of the diurnal rotation of the earth. The sun stays still, and the earth spins once a day, so for 12 hours half the earth is in sunlight.

How long is 8.3 days?

8.3 days is 199 hours and 12 minutes.