

Best Answer

The magnet manufacturers realized long ago that they could save a lot of cost of

production, and sell a lot more of their product, if they just packaged one of each

kind in every unit. So nowadays, whichever kind of magnet you want to buy, you

automatically get another one of the other kind along with it, and they're built into

a single piece. It's become such a standard of the industry that you can't find just

a positive or a negative magnet to buy all by itself.

And you can't even make one, either . . . . .

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Q: Where can you buy positive and negative magnets?
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How do magnets attract and don't attract?

Magnets have a positive pole and a negative pole. Magnets attract positive to negative, and do not attract if you try to put postive to positive or negative to negative.

Does energy flow positive to negative or negative to positive with magnets?

positive to a negative

Why can magnets attract an object?

magnets have negative and positive charges

Why do batteries have a positive and negative side?

they do because like magnets we have negative and positive ,negative and negative repel and vise verse but positive and negative attract

How can you make two magnets repel each other?

EX: ++ and -- (positive positive and negative negative)

Do positive and negative magnets attract or positive and positive or negative and negative?

polar opposites attract. that's where the phrase "opposites attract" comes from.AnswerThere are no such things as 'positive' or 'negative' magnets, other than in the minds of magnetic therapists who seem to have very little scientific knowledge of magnetism! Magnetic poles, not magnets, are named after the directions in which the point when freely suspended -i.e. north and south.

How do two water molecules compare to two magnets?

They connect positive to negative just like magnets do.

How do magnets move?

magnets have to different sides. the negative and the positive. if you put the positive against the positive then the two will repel. but if you put the negative with the positive then they will attract and will stick together. it is all part of science kid. you will learn it in 4th grade. well at least i did......:)

When positive and negative charges what happens?

if you are using magnets, they stick together.

A magnet has both a positive side and a negative side. can you just have a magnet that is positive?

No, no matter what, magnets have poles. In other words, magnets will always have a positive and negative side. If you cut you magnet in half, those two new magnets will both have + and - sides. Do this infinity times until you have a magnet 1 atom thick. The atom will still have a positive and negative pole. Hope this helps.

What is it called when molecules act like magnets with negative and positive ends?


What happens when a positive and a negative charge meet?

if you are using magnets, they stick together.