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Q: Where can you find the turdis migratorius?
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Which birds scientific name is turdis migratorious?

The common name of Turdus migratorius is the American Robin.

Are robins endangered in Europe?

No, but the bird we call a robin is not a European robin. Theirs is a much smaller bird. The American robin is actually a thrush, Turdis migratorius.

What is the binomial nomenclature of a robin?

Turdus migratorius

What species are robins?

The American robin's binomial name is Turdus migratorius.

What is a robin called?

A robin is mostly called a 'Robin'. Its species is Turdus Migratorius. Really!

What is the classification of a robin?

The American Robin or the North American Robin, or the Latin name Turdus Migratorius

What is the name of the pigeon that used to carry mail?

The now extinct passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius)

What kingdom is the American robin apart of?

A Passerine, or perching bird, the robin is a thrush, Turdus Migratorius.

What is an American Robin?

An American robin is a migratory, passerine songbird, Latin name Turdus migratorius.

What is the scientific name for passenger pigeon?

the scientific name for the passenger pigeon is Ectopistes migratorius

What is the collective name for American robins?

The American robin is Turdus migratorius. The European Robin is Erithacus rubecula

What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the American robin?

The scientific name for the American robin is Turdus migratorius. It belongs to the Turdidae family within the Passeriformes order of birds.