at the bottom of the letter after your name. example:
Your name
The letter 'm' represents 1000 in roman numerals The letters CC represent two hundred.
The letter "C" was used as "100" in Roman numeration, so 200 = CC (not to be confused with the volume "cubic centimeter" which is "cc").
2000 CC
100 CC.
1350 cc
It is important to sign a cc letter. That is because the recipients still need to know whether the source of the letter is authentic.
Always a CC Letter goes on a Letter head. Because it is a official letter it should go on a Letter head for legitimate identification.
cc? might meen clan chat or come chat
The answer is: it depends. If you expect the addressee for the CC may have a strong interest in the original letter, or anticipate a action/reaction, then by all means write a cover letter (or letter of transmittal) to the CC addressee. Sometimes you want to make that CC person feel more important. A cover letter is a very nice way of expressing you care about that person's interest in the matter. It is the opposite of a dismissal.
cc is the actual size of the engine. It could be a 1200 cc engine that might put out around 90 h.p.
here are the letter notes: cc dc fe cc dc gf cc caf ed a* a* af gf
carbon copy
Carbon Copy Carbon Copy
cc to hp
It is a random letter sequence that someone at the Honda motorcycle factory decided to put it in front of the cc number on dirtbikes and got paid a lot for it.
1500 cc/ml