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Q: Where do you put a notation that a letter is also being emailed?
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How do you note on a business letter that the letter was also emailed?

To note on a business letter that the letter was also emailed, put 'Copy' after the name of the person and their address. Beside the word Copy write 'emailed to', then put the address where the letter was also emailed.

What does the copy notation indicate?

The copy notation at the bottom of a letter indicates that a copy of the letter is also being sent to those listed by or under the notation. The copy notation at the top of a page indicates that the document is a copy of an original.

What part of speech is the word emailed?

The word email is a noun. Email can also be used as a verb as in to send an email. (e.g. I emailed her about the party last week)

Senator David Mark is from Nigeria He also emailed me does any one think that is scam?

This letter is listed on an anti-fraud international site. I had received it also and looked it up. I would ignore it and beware. Apparently lots of people received this same letter....

If your parents get your Internet explorer history emailed to them do they also get history from other browsers emailed to them?

no not unless they've got that browsers history emailed to them too! if you use google chrome u can go CtrlShiftN - then ur history wont show up :)

Who is the king of mathematics?

Leonhard Euler is the king of mathematics, even he was blind !Euler introduced much of the mathematical notation in use today, such as the notation f(x) to describe a function and the modern notation for the trigonometric functions. He was the first to use the letter e for the base of the natural logarithm, now also known as Euler's number. The use of the Greek letter π to denote the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter was also popularized by Euler (although it did not originate with him).[1] He is also credited for inventing the notation i to denote .[2]I salute him.

How many words can be made from pumkin pie alamode?

The letters can be used to spell the 9 letter word impaneled and the 8 letter words lemonade, milkmaid and napalmed. They also spell the 7 letter words alamode, ammonia, deplane, dilemma, diploma, emailed, implied and milkman.

What is a 4 letter word with the second letter being L and the fourth letter being o?

The words with the form _L_O are also, alto, and oleo/olio.

What is the proper email etiquette for finishing a letter?

To finish an emailed letter is truly no different than ending a formal letter sent by old fashion postal service. Depending on the context of the letter and who the recipient is, common proper closings (salutations) are 'sincerely,' 'with regards,' or 'signed,' all followed by your name (and title, if needed). A brief summary of the contents before the salutations is also a good move for longer letter.

Can you get a check emailed to you?

Yes, you can have a check sent to you via email as an electronic check, also known as an e-check.

What is the number 3300 expressed as in scientific notation and engineering notation?

Scientific notation: 3.3*103 And I'm not certain, but I think it is also 3.3*103 in engineering notation

How do you read chess moves?

From left to right. If the notation reads (for example) KXF8, the first letter refers to the piece that is being moved. K-King, next, the 'X' represents that that piece is taking another piece. F refers to the file that the piece is being moved to. The Number, then, refers to the rank that the piece is being moved to. Also, if the move results in a check, a '+' is added to the end. If the move results in checkmate, a '++' is added to the end. The notation for each piece is as follows. King-K Queen-Q Bishop-B Knight-N Rook-R Pawn- either P or no letter implies that a pawn was moved.