That location would put you in the sea - to the east of New Orleans !
To verbally read the coordinates 13 degrees 50'N 88 degrees 55'W, simply mention the longitude and latitude coordinates alone.
46°N and 88°E is in Northern China.
The intersection of 90 degrees W and 30 degrees N would be found in the state of Louisiana. It marks the location of New Orleans.
At 30 degrees N latitude, you are 30 degrees north of the equator. Each degree of latitude is equivalent to about 69 miles, so at 30 degrees N latitude, you would be approximately 2,070 miles north of the equator.
The one at 30 degrees North - since it's closer to the equator.
Lake Superior
30 N 30 E is El Beheira Governorate, Egypt.(Note 30 N is latitude and is given first. 30 degrees east is the longitude.)
30 N 30 E is El Beheira Governorate, Egypt.(Note 30 N is latitude and is given first. 30 degrees east is the longitude.)
A circular line 30 degrees north of the equator and another [parallel] one 30 degrees south.
60 degrees N 30 degrees E isKom Dafsho,Markaz Kafr El-Dawar,El Beheira Governorate,Egypt.
The absolute location of the Caribbean is approximately between latitudes 9°N and 25°N, and longitudes 57°W and 88°W.
Cairo, the capital city of Egypt, is located at approximately 30 degrees N latitude and 31 degrees E longitude.