highway 1/2 mile to exit 86
1/2 past 2(time)
a quarter(25 cents of 100 cents)
just to name a few...
No she can see in real life
no but u can see shark boy in real life
Yes than do in real life and reel life you can see them kissing.
You ca see it no a numberline]
A concert...
In arcitecture or in construction
Yes, he is. He used to see my friend Jason. Nice fella. A monster in bed apparently.
No pokemon dessert is not real you see it in the pokemon movies get a life
Sonic the Hedgehog is a fictional video game character, so you can never see him in real life.
Actually, mermaids are fairy tales. They are not real. You can see mermaids on TV shows, drawrings, and paintings, but not in real life.
Cut an apple in half and you get 1/2 and 1/2 of an apple. Look at a gas pump price and see a fraction of a dollar as the price per gallon. Look at the moon and calculate what fraction of the moon is showing at night. Use a ruler and determine what fraction of an inch is the length of something plus the number of whole inches.