The address of the Hemken Collection is: Po Box 86, Williams, IA 50271-0086
It could be 97 which is a prime number.
The address of the Historic Apalachicola Inc is: Po Box 86, Apalachicola, FL 32329-0086
The address of the Hagerman Valley Historical is: Po Box 86, Hagerman, ID 83332-0086
(95 − 36) + 27 = 86
It is 90 because 6 is greater than 5
The address of the Shelburne Historical Society is: Po Box 86, Shelburne Fls, MA 01370-0086
The address of the Clinton Historical Society Inc is: Po Box 86, Clinton, CT 06413-0086
61 86-36=50 50/2=25 thus 25+36=61 86-25=61
The address of the Fort Randolph Committee is: Po Box 86, Point Pleasant, WV 25550-0086