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Q: Which describes the ball and motion between 20 m and 80 m on the graph?
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When you drop the ball from the height that is periodic motion are not with explain?

When you drop a ball from a height, that is NOT periodic motion.Periodic motion is motion that repeats, with a regular time interval between repetitions.If the ball hits the floor and bounces several times, that will resemble motion that isnearly periodic. But it will not really be periodic, because the time between bounceswill keep shrinking, as the ball loses energy with each bounce.

What causes a ball to stop rolling?

the friction and the motion of the ball both combined

Plot the graph to show ball thrown vertically upward and comes downward ignoring air resistence?

If you want the graph to show the acceleration of the ball against time, then the graph is a horizontal line. If you want the graph to show the velocity of the ball against time, then the graph is a straight line sloping downward. If you want the graph to show the height of the ball against time, then the graph is a parabola that opens downward.

How the motion of a swing illustrates the transformation between potential and kinetic energy?

When the ball is in the air it is clecting

What does y equals 0 on a displacement- time graph represent?

The displacement, along the direction of measurement, is zero. It need not mean that the object is back at the starting point. The displacement-time graph, measuring the vertical displacement of a ball thrown at an angle, will have displacement = 0 when the ball returns to ground level but, unless you are extremely feeble, the ball will be some distance away, not at its starting point which is where you are. The use of such a graph is not unusual in the elementary projectile motion under gravity.

What happens to the direction of motion of the ball what changes it direction of motion?

A force acting on the ball, at an angle to its line of motion, will cause its direction of motion to change.

How can you tell that a rolling soccer ball is in motion?

It rotates around it's center. Rotational motion is the only motion that exists regardless of your point of reference.

How can you use the graph of velocity versus time to estimate the acceleration of the ball?

If the graph is a straight line, then the slope of the line is the average acceleration of the ball.

What is the motion of a ball around a rod?

The motion would be circular characteristic of the centripital forces applied to the ball.

What is the motion of the ball?

you hit it