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Several materials have this property at very low temperatures. Some of them are elements, some are compounds. Do some reading on "superconductivity" for more information.

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Q: Which element has the property of zero resistance?
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When cooled this contains almost zero resistance?

Anything with the property of zero electrical resistance is called a super-conductor.

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another word is identity property. The sum of zero and any number is the number.

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The element oxidation state is a chemical property: it is zero for all elements.

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The property displayed is the additive identity property. This property states that the sum of any number and zero is equal to the original number.

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the zero property in math is when you multiply by zero which is the multiplicative property of zero or it is when you add zero to anything and get zero that is called the additive property of zero

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A voltmeter must have a very high resistance to measure voltage. A voltmeter is placed in parallel with the element that you are measuring. If the voltmeter has a low internal resistance, then all of the current will flow through the voltmeter instead of the element. You want all of the current to flow through the element, to get an accurate reading of the voltage. Conversely, an ampmeter must have zero resistance, because it is placed in series with the element.

What is a zero property?

a zero property is something that equal zero

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The Zero property of Multiplication is when anything times zero is zero.

Is A superconductor is A conductor having zero resistance?

Yes, a superconductor has zero resistance.

What property in algebra is negative 2 plus 0 equals negative 2?

Zero is the additive identity element.

What resistance does a superconductor have?

An ideal superconductor has exactly zero losses, thus resistance is zero.

What is the property of zero in multiplication?

The special property that zero has is that if you multiply zero by any number, you get zero.