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Rectangle, octagon, hectagon, square...

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Q: Which geometric shape have any right angles or angles whose measures are larger than a right angle?
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What geometric figures do not have any right angles or angles whose measures are larger than a right angle?

All triangles that are not right triangles.

What geometric figure does not have right angles or angles measure larger than a right angle?

An acute triangle.

What geometric shape does not have any right angles or any angles larger than a right angle?

a circle

What shape has no angles and measures larger than a right angle?

A circle.

What does not have any right angles or angle whose measures are larger than a right angle?

An equilateral triangle, which has 3 angles of 60o.

What geometric figures are the sides of an angle?

Angles are measured in degrees, minutes and seconds A full rotation measures 360 degrees

What geometric shapes do not have right angles or angles larger than a right angle?

Circle, cone, cylinder, sphere and equilateral triangle for example.

An angle is 80degrees larger than its supplement. what are the angles measures?

130 and 50 degrees.

Two angles are complementary One angle has a measure that is five times the measure of the other angle What is the measure in degrees of the larger angle?

Complementary angles are angles that add up to 90 degrees. If the smaller angle is x, the larger is 5x, so 6x = 90. X equals 15, and the larger angle measures 75 degrees.

Two angles are supplementary If one angle measures twice the other what is the number of degrees in the larger angle?

120 (2/3 of 180)

The negative difference between the measures of supplementary angles is -45. Find the measure of the larger angle?

112.5 degrees

How many angles are larger than a right angle?

2, obtuse and reflex angles are larger than right angles A straight angle is larger.