there are more composite numbers the prime becuz more things can be divided into
There are more than 25 prime numbers; there are an infinite number of prime numbers.
There are more odd numbers than prime numbers.
Yes, there are many more composite numbers than prime.
There are more than 10 prime numbers
All prime numbers are odd, exept of the first prime number 2.
Prime numbers have two factors, composite numbers have more than two.
This can be an extension to the proof that there are infinitely many prime numbers. If there are infinitely many prime numbers, then there are also infinitely many PRODUCTS of prime numbers. Those numbers that are the product of 2 or more prime numbers are not prime numbers.
There are more composite numbers than prime numbers because most numbers have more factors than just 1 and a number itself.
Prime numbers can not composite as - Prime number has only 2 factors whereas composite have more than 2
Numbers that have more than two factors are not prime numbers because prime numbers have only two factors.