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Q: Which integer is three to the left of positive one on a number line?
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How do you subtract a positive number from a positive number?

to subtract a positive integer :move LEFT. The answer will get smaller

Why is a negative integer always greater than a positive integer?

It isn't. A negative integer is always smaller than a positive integer. Look at the numbers on a number line, in standard format. If a number is further to the right than another number, it is greater. The number further to the left is smaller.

When you add a negative integer with a negative integer do you get a positive integer?

Negative. Sorry. No you do not. Adding a negative to a negative gives you a number that is even more negative. Picture a number line. A negative number is to the left of zero, and adding a negative number moves further left. ■

What does a negative number times a postive number equal?

That depends on which number is greater. ex: (9)+(-4)= +5 -- because the 9 is a larger number. Also, the use of a number line will really help. ...-5 _-4_ -3_ -2_ -1_ 0_ 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5... just start on one of the numbers and then travel to the right (if the other number is positive) , or the left ( if the other number is negative) and you will land on your answer. keep in mind that 5+(-2)= 3 is the same as 5-2= 3 Hope this helps...and if you were asking "Is a positive number TIMES a negative number negative?", the answer is yes.

The closet integer to left of 11.7 on the number line?

The closest integer to left of 11.7 on the number line is 11.

When is the sum of a positive and negative integer positive?

When the positive integer is farther from 0 than the negative integer, example -4+5=1 why? the -4 is 4 places to the left of the 0 and the 5 is 5 places to the right.

What is the closest integer to left of 4.7 on number line?

An integer is a whole number so the answer is 4.

How do you plot an integer?

If the integer is positive, then you plot it at a distance of that many units to the right of the origin (zero-point). If the integer is negative, the point is to the left of the origin.

How do you graph an integer less than zero on a number line?

An integer less than 0 would be at the same distance from 0 as its positive equivalent, but would lie on the opposite side (left) of the 0.

What is the rule in adding positive integers?

Adding IntegersTo add integers, one must consider the following two rules to be a successful.If you want to think of it on the number line you start from 0 and when you add a positive number you go that much to the right, and when you add a negative number you go that much to the left. When adding two positive integers, just add like normal. When adding one positive integer, and one negative integer, it is like subtracting a positive number from a positive number. When adding two negative integers, it is like subtracting a positive number from a negative number.

What is the smallest integer on the number line?

There is no such number. You can always go one more integer to the left.

What is the number to the left on the number line?

An integer is a whole number so the answer is 4.