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1/2 > 1/4

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Q: Which is bigger one half or one fourth?
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Is one half of a cup bigger than one fourth of s cup?

Yes, One Half of the cup is bigger then one fourth because one half means 0.5 and one fourth means 0.25

What is greater one half or one-fourth?

One half is more bigger than one forth,so your answer is one half not one forth.

How much bigger is 3 and one half than 3 and one fourths?

3 and one half is one fourth (1/4) bigger than 3 and one fourths.

Is 3 quarters bigger than an half?

three quarters it one quarter or a fourth larger than one half

Which is bigger three sixteenths or one fourth?

one fourth is bigger, and it is bigger by one sixteenth.

Is one half large than one frouth?

One half=Two fourths and Two fourths is bigger than one fourth, so the answer is yes.

Is one half of a fourth the same as one fourth of a half?

Yes, One half of a fourth is one eighth. A fourth of a half is one eighth aswell.

What is a bigger fraction two ninths or one fourth?

One fourth is bigger.

How does one half squared equal one fourth?

One half squared equals one fourth because when you multiply one half by one half you get one fourth. This is the equivalent of saying that half of one half is one fourth.

Which is greater one half of one fourth or one fourth of one half?

A fourth of a half is an eighth, a half of a fourth is still an eighth. They're both equal.

what is bigger three twelfths or one half?

Three twelfths is equivalent to one fourth, and one half is also equivalent to two fourths. Therefore, one half is bigger than three twelfths.

Is five-eighths bigger than one- fourth?

Yes. 5/8 is over half. 1/4 is less than half.