

Which is the biggest flight

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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Its Antonov 225...

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Q: Which is the biggest flight
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The Hudson Also where US Airways Flight 1796 ditched.

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I believe her biggest accomplishment was her solo flight across the Atlantic in 1932.

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The biggest PC game ever made was X-Plane 9, a flight simulator. This game took up well over 70GB.

What is the biggest bird of flight?

The largest bird ever capable of flight was Argentavis magnificens, a now extinct member of the Teratornithidae group, with a wingspan of up to 8.3 m (28 ft), a length of over 3 m (10 ft) and a body weight of 80 kg (176 lb.).The largest living land bird capable of flight is the Great Bustard.

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Last minute flights are the ones you get the biggest discounts on because the airlines are trying to fill up the planes.

When would you use flight for a collective noun?

The collective noun 'flight' is used for:a flight of aircrafta flight of angelsa flight of beesa flight of birdsa flight of butterfliesa flight of cormorantsa flight of dovesa flight of dragonsa flight of ducksa flight of dunbirdsa flight of fowla flight of goshawksa flight of grousea flight of herona flight of insectsa flight of kestrelsa flight of larksa flight of locks (canal)a flightt of mallardsa flight of pigeonsa flight of ploversa flight of pocharda flight of refugeesa flight of stairsa flight of starlingsa flight of storksa flight of swallowsa flight of swansa flight of widgeona flight of woodcocksa flight of yesterdays