The letter U is the 2nd letter of the word "quarter" (1/4).
4-letter wordsjavaOnly 1 word found
/\/\0/\/\. /\/\=4 / \ / \ 0= 1 + /\/\=4 / \ / \ _ 9 Easy.
Frown is not a 4 letter word. It has 5 letters. 1.F 2.R 3.O 4.W 5.N
calm as in " i felt calm after having a warm bubble bath"
'Queue' has 1 consonant and 4 vowels.
Envy Is A 4-Letter Word
A swan is an aquatic bird starting with S and having 4 letters.
Zero, and ten. Kind of oppisite?
That would be cent, as in 1 cent is the same as 1 penny.
4 letter word for drum is "Dhol".