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Q: Which kind of uncomformity has an erosional surface between parallel strata?
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What is a buried erosional surface called?

a buried erosional surface is called unconformity.

What is erosional surface?

surface effected by erosion

Which feature is represented between the green shale and the tan sandstone?

a buried erosional surface

What erosional agent accounts for most of the erosion on Earth's surface?

Moving water is the main erosional agent on the surface of the Earth.

When the surface of new rock layers meet a much older rock beneath them what is it called?


What is two sedimentary rock layers separated by an erosional surface?


What are erosional plains?

Erosional plains are developments on the Earth's surface caused by natural weathering of glacier activity, wind movement or water (sea, river & stream) torrent and are subdivided on the basis of the type of erosional agent.

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What general term denotes a buried erosional surface where rock layers are missing?


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Which erosional feature most likely formed on the surface of the bedrock under the glacial ice?

parralel grooves

What is a place in the rock record where two rock units are separated by an erosional surface?

An Unconformity is an erosional or non-depositional surface that separates rocks of two different ages. This is represented by missing sediments in the stratigraphic column. If the time period represented by the missing sediments is small, the unconformity is called a diastem.