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Q: Which kind of uncomformity has an erosional surface between parallel strata?
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a buried erosional surface

What is an example of paraconformities?

A paraconformity is a type of unconformity where the rock layers are parallel with no visible erosional surface in between. An example would be a horizontal layer of sandstone deposited on top of another horizontal layer of sandstone with no signs of disturbance or erosion between them.

Which is not a type of unconformity?

Angular unconformity is not a type of unconformity. The three main types of unconformities are nonconformity, disconformity, and paraconformity. A nonconformity occurs when sedimentary rock is deposited on igneous or metamorphic rock, disconformity is an erosion surface between parallel sedimentary layers, and paraconformity is a buried erosion surface within sedimentary layers.

What is erosional surface?

An erosional surface is a flat or gently sloping topographic feature formed by erosion, typically by the action of water, ice, wind, or other natural processes. Erosional surfaces can reveal past geologic events and provide important clues about the Earth's history.

What erosional agent accounts for most of the erosion on Earth's surface?

Water is the erosional agent that accounts for most of the erosion on Earth's surface. It can take the form of rivers, oceans, rain, and glaciers, which all contribute to the shaping of the landscape through processes like erosion and sediment transport.

What is a buried erosional surface called?

A buried erosional surface is called an unconformity, representing a gap in the geologic record where erosion and/or non-deposition occurred before the next layer of rock was deposited. This discontinuity can signify significant changes in the Earth's history and provide clues to past geological events.

What are erosional plains?

Erosional plains are developments on the Earth's surface caused by natural weathering of glacier activity, wind movement or water (sea, river & stream) torrent and are subdivided on the basis of the type of erosional agent.

What term denotes a buried erosional surface where rock layers are missing?


What is the portion of the surface of a sphere included between two parallel planes?


What is the single important erosional agent?

Water is considered the most important erosional agent on Earth's surface. Through processes like rivers, rainfall, and waves, water can erode and shape the land over time.

What is the longest parallel on Earth's surface called?

The longest parallel on Earth's surface is the equator, which circles the planet halfway between the North and South Poles at a latitude of 0 degrees.

What general term denotes a buried erosional surface where rock layers are missing?
