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Q: Which lines if any must be parallel based on the given information Given angle 3 is congruent to angle 13?
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Without a visual or more information, I'm guessing that the picture is of angles 1 and 2 that are consecutive (share an angle side) and a separate picture of consecutive angles 3 and 4. With that said: 1) angle 2 congruent to angle 3................1) given 2) angle 1 is supplementary to angle 2....2) If angles are next to each other --> supps angle 3 is supplementary to angle 4 3) angle 1 congruent angle 4..............3) If supps to congruents angles ---> congruent

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Corresponding angle are used to prove if lines are parallel. If they are congruent then the lines cut by the transferal are parallel.

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I am picturing two parallel lines with a transversal, If Angle two and five are corresponding then they are congruent. If they are not corresponding then they would be supplementary.

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Given: AD perpendicular to BC; angle BAD congruent to CAD Prove: ABC is isosceles Plan: Principle a.s.a Proof: 1. angle BAD congruent to angle CAD (given) 2. Since AD is perpendicular to BC, then the angle BDA is congruent to the angle CDA (all right angles are congruent). 3. AD is congruent to AD (reflexive property) 4. triangle BAD congruent to triangle CAD (principle a.s.a) 5. AB is congruent to AC (corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent) 6. triangle ABC is isosceles (it has two congruent sides)

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The corresponding and alternate angles

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A rhombus, or a square if there is a 90o angle.

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A rhombus, or a square if there is a 90o angle