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A karyotype will do that.

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Q: Which methods will easily identify a person with X Y Y chromosomes?
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How person can identify?

we identify a person by their eyes and face

What happens if a person have more chromosomes?

If it had more chromosomes it will cause to down's syndrome

How many chromosomes does an individual have?

One person has 46 chromosomes or 23 pairs.

What are common traits that you could easily identify a person who is sociopath?

They are mean to animals they start fires they are just mean to...pretty much everything that walks and is on this planet

How many sex chromosomes does each person have?

Two sex chromosomes and 22 pairs of autosomes

What is a pair of chromosomes carrying genes that determine whether a person is male or female?

Genetic chromosomes

How many chromosomes does a person with edward Syndrome have?

47 chromosomes , the extra one is the pair no# 18

Where does a person get his or her chromosomes from?

one from each parent

What is karoytype?

A karoytype is a visualization of a person's chromosomes.

What gene determines whether a human will develop into a male or female?

The Y-chromosome. Think of it this way: Each person contains the genes to be a female. These genes are inherited on the X-chromosome which every normal person has. However, if you have a Y-chromosome, you now posses the genes to make a male, and are thus will be a male.

What is karyotype?

A method of illustrating what chromosomes are present.

How much chromosomes does a person have?

There are 46 chromosomes in each cell. However, there are 23 in a sex cell e.g. 23 in an egg cell, 23 in a sperm cell to form 46 chromosomes for a embryo to develop.