no you must have a remainder or 2,1, or have no remainder at all your remainder must be smaller than the your dividend your dividend is the number you are dividing by
Divide the larger number by the smaller. If the result has no remainder (no decimal) then the smaller number is a factor of the larger.
Divide the smaller number into the larger number. If it comes out evenly with no remainder, the larger number is a multiple of the smaller number. All even numbers are multiples of two.
Divide the smaller number into the bigger number. If the answer comes out even with no remainder, it's a factor.
you have to divide the remainder by the number you are dividing
When the first number can divide the second without remainder. The formal definition would be as follows: For integers x and y, x is a factor of y if there exists an integer n such that y = n*x
Your question's meaning eludes me. You can divide any number by 5, whether or not it is a remainder, and why would you want to divide a remainder by 5 anyway?
When you divide 24 by 7 the remainder is 3.
because if the remainder is larger than that means you can still keep on dividing the number...but once it is smaller it means that you can't divide anymore
my umber is between 1 and 25 When you divide my number by 7, the remainder is 3 when you divide my number by 6, the remainder is 5 when you divide my number by 5, the remainder is w what's my number?