It is 4096.
No number under 100 has thirteen factors.
The factors of thirteen are 1 and 13, because 13 is a prime number and only has two factors.
The number thirteen is a prime number, meaning the only whole numbers it is divisible by are one and thirteen. i really want to thank you guys
A prime number has exactly two factors.
The smallest number with exactly eight factors is 24.
Prime numbers to the 12th power, like 4096 or 531441.
Well, If we looked at this way: (224) = 16777216, so this number has exactly 24 factors. (324) = 282429536481, so this number has exactly 24 factors. (510)(210)(34) = 810000000000, so this number has exactly 24 factors.
A prime number because it has only two factors.
A number has exactly three factors if and only if it is the square of a prime number.
A prime number has exactly two factors: 1 and itself.
A prime number is a whole number with exactly two factors: 1 and itself.