

Which number has the same prime factors as 315?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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315*3 = 945 does.

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Q: Which number has the same prime factors as 315?
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What are the prime factors for 315?

The prime factors of 315 are 3, 3, 5, and 7.

What are the factors and prime factors of 315?

3 x 3 x 5 x 7 = 315 The prime factors of 315 are 3, 5, and 7.

What are the composite number Of 3x3x5x7?

As a product of its prime factors: 3*3*5*7 = 315

What are the five number that have 3 5 and 7 as prime factors?

105, 210, 315, 420, 525

Is 315 a composite or prime number?

Prime numbers have only two factors, one and itself. The number 315 is a compositenumber because it has more factors than 1 and itself. You can find the factors of a number by starting with 1 and going on through the numbers until all the facors of a number are found. Like this: 1 X 315 2 will not divide evenly into 315, so is not a factor. No even numbers are factors of 315. 3 X 105 5 X 63 7 X 45 9 X 35 15 X 21 Listed in order, the factors of 315 are 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 21, 35, 45, 63, 105, 315.

What are the factors and prime factor of 315?

The factors of 315 are: 1 3 5 7 9 15 21 35 45 63 105 315 The prime factors are: 3 x 3 x 5 x 7

What are the prime factors for 315 using exponents?

32 x 5 x 7 = 315

Is 315 a prime number?

No, 315 is not a prime number. It is called a composite number. A prime number is a number that is only divisible by one and itself. For example, the number 11 is a prime number since only 11 and 1 go into 11 evenly. 315 is divisible by other numbers (ex: it is divisible by 5)

What are 5 numbers that have 3 5 and 7 as their prime factors?

105, 210, 315, 420, and 525 have 3, 5 and 7 as prime factors. 105, 315, 525, 735 and 1575 have 3, 5 and 7 as their only prime factors.

What is the HCF of 315 and 660?

The first step is to express these numbers as products of their prime factors: 315 = 3x3x5x7 660 = 2x2x3x5x11 The next step is to identify any common prime factors. In this case the common prime factors are 3 and 5. Multiply these and you get: 3x5 = 15 Thus the HCF of 315 and 660 is 15.

What multiplication problem equals 315?

As a product of its prime factors: 3*3*5*7 = 315 or as 32*5*7 = 315

What is 315 as a product of its prime factors?

It's not 7 to the power of 2