2 and 3 are the prime factors of 36. Of the factors of 36, 2 and 3 are the only prime numbers.
Prime factors of 36 are 2 and 3 Prime factors of 60 are 2, 3 and 5
The prime factors of 36 are: 2*2*3*3 =36. So there are only 4 prime factors at all.
The prime factors of 36 are 2 and 3. To be common, they need to be compared to another set of prime factors.
The prime factors of 36 are 2 and 3. Add them together.
Yes. Since 36 x 10 = 360, combine the prime factors of 36 with the prime factors of 10.
factors: 1,2,3,4,6,9,12,18,36 prime factors: 2 & 3
Prime factors of 36 are 2 and 3
The prime factors of 36 are 2 & 3
2 and 3 are prime factors of 36.
As a product of its prime factors in exponents: 22*32 = 36
Factors of 36: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36 Prime Factors of 36: 2 and 3