They are both critically acclaimed, but the old school Sonic games have that edge to them the Mario one's don't.
Mario is better than Sonic because easier levels
That's very opinionated saying Sonic is cooler. Some may believe Mario is much cooler. Mario is more famous, however, because the Mario games are what basically started the video game trend. Both are famous, but sonic's games for the past 10 years have been called mediocre to barely acceptable by critics. 2D sonic was considered better than 3D Sonic. Mario isn't more famous. While the Mario series in general is more recognizable to the average person, Sonic as a character was slightly more popular than Mario as a character,in the 90's. And yes, obviously Sonic was much cooler as well.
There is one that's out right now called Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 that sonic goes back to his 2D roots. Gonna be fun
2d Arcade.
Mario is meh. This is because it has less games on only Nintendo consoles and the levels are kind of interesting. And Mario is a human.Sonic games have much more of a plot and much more interesting characters.Mario games are not only better than sonic games they are arguably the greatest games of all time the way the levels are constructed and the smooth increase in difficulty makes them easily accessible for all and engrossing the people who make them are gaming geniuses. Sonic on the other hand was a fun fast 2d game when it changed to 3d the whole concept of the speed never really worked and it just became average.
3D sonic 2D sonic,espionage,vector,charmy,Amy,tails,rouge,and blaze
the next sonic game is sonic 4! that's a 2D game! i can't wait!
i think its 3d
Yes. The wii version will be 2D and 3D while the DS version will be only a 2D game like the Sonic Rush series.
This does depend on the player. For 2d games, I would say Sonic the Hedgehog 2, however, lots of fans say Sonic 3 & Knuckles. But Sonic the Hedgehog 2 sold the most of the 2d games, if you wanted to know. The best 3d game is either Sonic Adventure or Sonic Adventure 2: Battle.
Partially. It's not completely 2d as in side on gameplay as there are 3d parts. It can also be played in both 2d and 3d if you have a 3d tv