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Q: Which quadrilateral does not necessarily have four congruent angles?
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Does a rhombus always have four right angles?

A rhombus is a quadrilateral with four congruent sides. The opposite angles are congruent but not necessarily 90 degrees.

Does a quadrilateral have 2 congruent angles?

A quadrilateral has four interior angles. It may have two, three, four, or none of them congruent.

If a quadrilateral has four congruent sides but its adjacent angles are not congruent then the quadrilateral is a?

An impossibility. By definition a quadrilateral with 4 congruent sides must have congruent adjacent angles.

Does a quadrilateral have congruent angles?

A quadrilateral is a plane figure with four straight sides and does not necessarily have any congruent angles. Some quadrilaterals such as, squares, rectangles, rhombuses, and parallelograms do have congruent angles.

Which quadrilateral always has four congruent angles?


What is the name for a quadrilateral with four congruent sides and no right angles?

Rhombus: A Rhombus has four congruent sides but no right angles.

Which quadrilateral has four right angles but does not have four congruent sides?


What is a quadrilateral with four congruent sides and four right angles?

A square

What is a quadrilateral with four congruent side and four right angles?

a square

What is a polygons with four right angles and four congruent angles?

A quadrilateral, specifically a square or rectangle

What type of quadrilateral has 4 congruent angles and 4 congruent sides?

A square, but not a rhombus because a rhombus does not have four congruent angles

What is the quadrilateral that has four congruent sides and no right angles?

A rhombus.