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Q: Which spry makes human unconscious within 5 seconds?
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What is the name of the spray which makes human unconscious within 5 second?

is there a spray that makes unconscious

What are the effects of chloroform?

chloroforum makes you go unconscious and limp.

What makes man human?

The spirit that is within man makes him human, as opposed to the spirit of animals which make them animals. Man has the ability to reason while animals act mostly by instinct.

What makes one a good human being?

Their character. They have love within them. They always follow their heart and do what they feel is right.

Why is racial tolerance important?

Because the thing that makes them a human being lies within their skull, not in the colour of their skin.

What makes Carl jung significant?

Carl Jung, Swiss psychiatrist, was the father of analytical psychology. Jung thought that people share collective unconscious, appearing archetype, including mythology, and symbols and patterns that appear in dreams. He also theorized that there is a female element in the unconscious of men -- the anima -- and a male element in the unconscious of women -- the animus. Jung believed that extroversion and introversion with four functions (thinking, feeling, sensing and intuition) were integral in the study of personality types. The aim of individuation is wholeness, through the integration of unconscious forces and motivations underlying human behavior.

What makes man?

The spirit that is within man makes him human, as opposed to the spirit of animals which make them animals. Man has the ability to reason while animals act mostly by instinct.

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meningitis is the swelling of the brain and so when it hits the skull it makes you unconscious

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Can justice makes us human?

We are human with or without justice. Justice makes being human better.